
Girl Skateboards

Girl Skateboards is a legendary name within the skateboarding realm, celebrated for the artistic and refined designs on their skateboard decks. By partnering with diverse artists, their graphics department consistently delivers the most up-to-date skateboard deck art available.

Complementing their aesthetic, Girl skateboard decks and wheels utilise high-quality materials. This is something their renowned team of pro riders can confirm. While the brand's range primarily centres on decks and skateboard apparel, they also offer an excellent selection of complete skateboards, ideal for those seeking a straightforward and enjoyable experience.

The company embarked on its venture in 1993 from the sunny locale of California, with founders and professional skaters Mike Carroll and Rick Howard at the forefront. A key motivation for establishing Girl Skateboards was to provide former professional skaters with opportunities to extend their careers within the skate industry. This commitment has kept the firm's ethos rooted in skateboarding and is a significant factor in their enduring influence today.

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