Good to know: Kids' wetsuits tips
Purchasing children's wetsuits can be significantly more challenging than buying one for yourself. When you get a toddler's wetsuit in your hands, it may seem like the cutest thing on Earth, and it is, but it can be quite a hustle to find the appropriate one.
That's why we decided to give you 5 tips when looking for a wetsuit for your little sunshine (and also for the not-so-little one teens).
1. Choose the right type of wetsuit
There are several types of wetsuits out there - full suits, shorties, short sleeve only, etc. But how to decide which one is most appropriate?
The answer is - depending on the conditions and on what the wetsuit will be used for. When we are talking cold/open waters and a grom (the youngster surfers), then a full wetsuit is best since Junior will be spending a lot of time in the water, most likely, until he/she gets the granny fingers.
If, however, we are talking about a tiny beach lover who loves playing out in the sun, building sandcastles, and jumping around in the water, you will probably prefer to get a shorty, for example, O'Neill Reactor 2mm SS (to the left). Shorties are normally thinner and are perfect for UV- and wind protection without compromising the freedom of movement.
2. How thick should it be?
We already touched upon thickness a bit, but the rule of thumb is: go for a thicker wetsuit - 3 mm and above (like O'Neill Reactor II to the right) if the kids are going to spend a long time in the water. If you are looking solely for something to keep your kiddo safe from the harsh sun or the chilly wind, a 2mm wetsuit is good enough.
3. Think of the zip!
The zip system is also worth considering because getting in and out of the wetsuit might turn out to be a tricky situation as well. Chest zippers provide the best insulation from the water but are harder to put on. Back-zip, however, is way easier to put on and off.
4. Let them play, give them freedom
Kids can be like small energy bombs; therefore, the stretchier the wetsuit, the better. When the neoprene has a good stretch, they can jump around, swim, and play more freely. That's part of being at the beach, isn't it?
5. The size
Yes, they grow quickly, like a weed. And often you'd go a size bigger when you are getting clothes for your child, exactly due to this. However, when it comes to wetsuits, you should be more careful going oversize because, after all, a wetsuit should feel snug and tight in order to insulate from the cold. If you are choosing a wetsuit for surfer kids, it is better to get the right size since they will need good insulation during the long sessions. However, you can pick a slightly bigger one if you are thinking primarily of sun and wind protection.
All that said, we hope that we made your task at least a tiny bit easier. If you found the wetsuit you are looking for in our video, check out our SkatePro website - they are all there. Also, if you want to learn more about wetsuits and get into details when picking one, go to our wetsuit buyers' guide.