
Kriss Kyle Passenger Grips

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365 days Return Policy


Kriss Kyle Passenger grips designed for your BMX handlebar.

These grips provide good cushioning and are somewhat longer in comparison to the Dan Paley Slim grips.

The minimalist and flangeless design enhances the cool factor of your bike.

Bar ends are included.


Bar Ends compatible with:
Aluminium, Steel
Grip Length:

reviews   (30)

Verified Buyer
"Są bardzo dobre"
Patryk Juszczak (Stargard) 09/01/2025
Verified Buyer
"As soon as my palms get a little sweaty I lose grip. They have only one job but they don't do it. I have them on my bike at the moment but I can't even ride without wearing gloves. I don't recommend it."
Zsolt Szabo (Mullingar) 04/10/2021
Reply from SkatePro:  Hi Zsolt,

Thank you for leaving the review!

Sorry to hear about your experience with these grips. 😕
Remember, we have a 365-day policy, meaning that if they are not damaged and have been used only a few times, you can always return it back to us and get something more grippy.

About return process, read more here: https://www.skatepro.ie/d58.htm

If there is anything else, let us know! ✌

Verified Buyer
Pierre Bertholet (Küssnacht am Rigi) 27/09/2023
Verified Buyer
"najlepszy typ gripów, plus super sprężysty materiał"
tomasz choromanski (Gdańsk) 25/09/2023
Verified Buyer
"Son muy cómodos aunque algo blandos"
Sebastián Prego (Palamos) 23/08/2022
Verified Buyer
"Bon rapport qualité prix"
Le mignon (Angoulême) 03/07/2022
Verified Buyer
"Best grips soft like ODI"
Rudolf B. (Praha) 08/02/2022
Verified Buyer
"manopole non morbidissime ma molto confortevoli, durano abbastanza. se si suda molto nelle mani si scivola un po ma non esageratamente."
Aris Maccagnan (Santa Giustina) 02/09/2021
Reply from SkatePro:  Ciao Aris,

grazie mille per la tua review! Le opinioni dei nostri rider sono importantissime per aiutarci a migliorare il nostro catalogo 😊

Siamo contenti che le manopole siano di tuo gradimento! Per ovviare al problema del sudore, potresti provare a indossare un paio di guanti leggeri, per esempio questi qui: https://www.skatepro.it/478-40822.htm 🏄‍♂️

Facci sapere come va, alla prossima!🛹🎿🏄‍♂️
Verified Buyer
"Ottimo prodotto"
Savi marco (Collesalvetti) 22/04/2021
Verified Buyer
Lisette A. Langberg (Skive) 16/04/2021
Verified Buyer
"Halten sehr lange"
N. Kessler (Walenstadt) 08/02/2021
Verified Buyer
"Sono arrivate delle cose ottime manopole ma essendo la scatola aperta in cartone e non chiusa le manopole sono arrivate sporche e spaiate all’ interno della scatola"
Alessio razza (Mantello) 21/01/2021
Reply from SkatePro:   Buongiorno Alessio ,

grazie per il feedback 😊 Ci spiace moltissimo per il disagio .

Ho controllato il tuo caso ed ho potuto felicemente notare che uno dei nostri operatori lo aveva già preso in carico .

Abbiamo provveduto a contattarti via mail con delle soluzioni al problema 😊

A presto! ⛸️🎿🛹🛴
Verified Buyer
"Confortable et costaud"
Triffault henri (Thorigné sur dué) 08/01/2021
Verified Buyer
Agnieszka Blazkowska (Przemysl) 05/11/2020
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