The Heliums, produced by Roll-Line, are designed as smooth and quick roller skate wheels. They are specifically targeted at asphalt skating, offering excellent abrasion resistance and providing strong grip on both even and rough asphalt surfaces.
Notice: The hub of the Helium wheels is 0.8mm wider than that of standard derby wheels; hence, they are not compatible with the Shiva plates from Chaya.
reviews (8)
Verified Buyer | |
"I absolutely love these wheels, such a smoother ride and roll ...not good for asphalt though. Took a while for the spaces and bearings to have a free roll, as the bearing were not easy to out in. Once you figure it out and get the flow going of putting spacers and bearing in then its easy peasy." | |
AZAR MENDOZA (los angeles) | 04/04/2020 |